You can't request more than 20 challenges without solving them. Your previous challenges were flushed.
sunnuntaina 09.06.2013
Voisiko joku musiikista tietävä valaista, miksi Foylen tunnari on niin kovin tutun kuuloinen.
(Oboe and bass for the first four bars, then oboe with clarinet and strings,
then flute with oboe, bass and strings.)
sunnuntaina 09.06.2013
Voisiko joku musiikista tietävä valaista, miksi Foylen tunnari on niin kovin tutun kuuloinen.
(Oboe and bass for the first four bars, then oboe with clarinet and strings,
then flute with oboe, bass and strings.)
– nyymi (ei varmistettu)